Friday, January 25, 2019

January 23, 2018: The Weather Changes Stupidly as Nikki Sixx Influences Me

What the fuck is up?

After completing my power poses this morning, I feel like Superman. After walking outside I feel like the Human Torch if his powers were broken. I'm layered like a cake and it's 53° this morning. 

For the past two days, it's been in the twenties and no matter how hard I've tried to stay warm I've been progressively freezing my ass off. So this morning I put on three shirts and sweated down the hall thinking "I'm warm already, so I'm going to be alright when I go outside. I know this is gonna work." Why yes it did work.

If my goal was to damn near have a heat stroke at 5 AM.

If this kind of weird shit was going on in Ray's time our state song would be, "Georgia, That Old Tricky Ho Who Won't Ever Commit to a Single Temperature, On My Mind"

© Getty Images

So the moral of this story is to always check the weather before you head outside, kids. You never know when what was parka hoodie weather will all of a sudden become t-shirt and jeans weather. And guess what?

It's going to be cold as Antarctica again, tomorrow morning.

Anyways, I missed my blog post yesterday. But with good reason! I was running from Self-doubt. (What a great reason I've come up with here...) He came to avenge his brother, Anxiety, and I had to go gather my bearings for this fight. 

Juxtaposing everything with a relevant Rocky scene never gets old. 
(Until I wind up getting a cease and desist letter.)

© Chartoff Winkler

Classes went great yesterday. I didn't hit on too many girls. (And by too many, I mean more than two. Which is better than usual but nothing compared to my idol.)

None other than Mötley Crüe Bassist Nikki Sixx.

Alright, I feel like I rambled on for long enough.

Keep on being awesome.

Peace the fuck out.

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