Saturday, January 19, 2019

Recognizing Growth and Dodging Heat Strokes

What's up?

This morning is Part 2 of the Mist. The crab monsters still haven't shown up yet, though, so we must be in the better half of the apocalypse. 

Better Half of the Apocalypse. Sounds like a good band name. Wonder if it's taken...


But anyway this morning I suited up in my leather jacket and skull cap before I did my incantations and power poses (Oh yeah, I added two minutes of power poses to my morning rituals yesterday. Consider yourselves informed. ) By the time I got done, I felt like I was about to have a damn heat stroke. So I'm not sure if it's warmer outside this morning or if I'm just cooling off. 

Whatever the case it feels good.

(I've gotta come up with some new jokes...)

Today will be my last full day in Atlanta. I'm heading back to Columbus tomorrow. 

Also, I started this blog and began entertaining you guys. You don't know how much it warms my heart to open my dashboard and see that without fail someone has read this blog every single day. I don't give a damn if you hate it but I hope you love it and that I'm someone's hero. Because the five people I reach every day with these posts is far greater than the zero I was reaching before I started. 
And on a good day when twenty people come to visit Joe's Not Diary, I know I've made that many more people laugh, or cry or maybe even cringe. That overjoys me. 

I know I've said this time and time again, but I sincerely thank everyone that is reading this blog. I really appreciate the support. You are awesome.

And the most important thing I've learned - words don't mean a goddamn thing.

Goddamnit. As much as I dreaded coming home, it made me a better man.

Now let's end this all with a relevant Whitechapel tune -

Words don't mean a goddamn thing.
© Metal Blade Records

Peace the fuck out. Keep being excellent. And fuck anyone who tries to say you aren't already.

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