Friday, January 25, 2019

January 22, 2018: Old Enemies Die Hard and Prompt Anime End Cards

Good fucking morning. 

I'm sitting out here in the same place I was yesterday. Except I don't know where my glasses are so I can't see, and there's a helluva lot more athletes out here. So basically it's the Mist Part 3.

Burger King doesn't have a fresh batch of fries to entice me across the street. 

It's cold as ice out here. I don't know exactly how cold because my tablet isn't connected to the internet and I can't check the temperature. But let me assure you. It's colder than Bruce Willis heart at least.

© Bauer Media Group

Enough puns though. Today is the first day of class. My first class is at 9:00 (Which is three hours from now.) I have ample time to not prepare. It's English II with the same teacher I took English I with last semester. He's chill as fuck so I'm excited to see what's going to happen today.

Then I've got Public Speaking at 3:00. Fifty percent of me is dreading getting up there and making a fool of myself. And the other fifty percent of me feels like I was born to be on a stage and can't wait to get up there and crush it. (Maybe because my former mentor is a public speaker? I don't know. They say you become your mentor.)

Also, I'm not at all sad to report that my opponent from yesterday fell into a coma last night and isn't expected to recover. 

Oh wait, the news report just came in!

He died!

This feels way more like a scene out of a Troma film rather than an inspiring sports drama.

© Chartoff Winkler

But wait!

A new challenger approaches. His name is Self-doubt...

Will Self-Doubt avenge Anxiety?

Will Burger King make more french fries?

Will I address any of this shit at all? 

All these answers and more on the next episode of 

Joe's (Totally Not) Diary!

Plus ten non-consecutive minutes of standing around in a field screaming.

© Toei Company

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