Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Acknowledging My Mortality So I Can Die Happily

Good morning and welcome to the 36th episode of The Early Morning Joe Show!

Or the late morning Joe Show. Or the Afternoon Joe Show. Or the Midnight Joe Show. It all depends on what part of the world you're in  (Shout out to my German readers!)  and when I post this.

I don't have much to say this morning. 

It's still dark out. I'm sitting on my porch at 5 AM jamming ”You” by Five Finger Death Punch because Five Finger Death Punch is the shit and I want my neighbors to call the cops on me.


Or at least an exorcist when they hear them beastly Ivan Moody vocals.

Shit is brutal as fuck.

Yesterday I resolved that I was fucking myself. 

How am I fucking myself you may ask? You see I've realized that living is really just preparing for death. And if I were to die ten minutes from now, I wouldn't exactly be happy.

In fact, I'd be pretty pissed off and disappointed.

© Shutterstock

Picture this -

If you were to go to sleep tonight with the knowledge that you weren't going to wake up, wouldn't you want to be able to smile and say, "It was a good fucking run"?


So yesterday, I decided I want to have nothing but days where I'll be able to go to bed proud of the life I've lived. I don't care if I've got to fight, or argue or even go to jail. Laying around unwillingly watching life pass me by ain't fucking living. I realize that every time I do some shit that I don't want to or I don't do something because of someone else's opinion I'm fucking myself. And more importantly, I'm fucking with the peacefulness of my eventual transition.

And I ain't fucking with my death for nobody. Not even me.

My point here is to be true to yourself.

Or at least try to. It's one of the hardest things to do in this competitive Western World. 

Have a great day...

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