Saturday, October 5, 2019

Alphabetically Reviewing My Music Collection Week 1: 3 Doors Down

So over the past couple of years, I've accumulated a metric ass-ton of music. Whether that be digital or physical copies, I've got a helluva lot of music. This morning I was just scrolling through my phone looking at all of the shit I don't listen to anymore trying to figure out a way to respark that relationship. Well, I've been trying to get back into reviewing music of late. Unfortunately, to little success. What better way to smash those two birds with one stone than to catalog through my music collection alhabetically, analyzing every single artist?

I can think of at least five off the top of my head, but whatever.
© Shutterstock

Let's hop right into it. 

Today's band is going to be Three Dog Night!

© Getty Images

Yeah right. 

You read the title. I'm going to be looking at three 3 Doors Down songs. (A fitting number.)


© Universal Music Group

I'mma start by saying this intro reminds me of a marching band. Can't you just picture the little drummer boy playing that opening drum fill? I know I can. 

Superman and Jesus are basically the same guy anyway...

I like this song. It's a crime that it wasn't in Man of Steel. One of my fondest childhood memories is of me repeatedly belting the chorus out at 12 AM only for my mum to scream for me to "Shut the fuck up!" My mum never swears. Good times.

Better Life 

© Universal Music Group

I was today years old when I discovered this song. This shit is funky. It has some interesting lyrics. Also, these guys straight-up lifted that break down riff from Annihilator. So bonus points for effective plagiarism.

© Roadrunner Records

And if you aren't familiar with Annihilator, oh don't worry. You will be by the end of this.

You will be.

Anyways, on to the next song.


© Universal Music Group

Yup, the sad boy anthem. Somehow, I never heard this song growing up. YouTube kept trying to sneak it into my nostalgia mix but I'd skip it every time. I finally cracked and listened to it. And listened to it. and listened to it again. And then it was stuck in my head for the next couple of days. This song is catchy as fuck to be so depressing. After all, who hasn't felt like this at some point in their life? Even if just for one shitty afternoon. It's a good track.

Songs I Wish I Had / I've Heard Before

I actually only have three of their songs. But back before the city castrated our rock station, they played the fuck out of "When I'm Gone." That shit is dope. My first introduction to them was "It's Not My Time." VH1 used to play that video every morning when it first came out. Nowadays I always hear "Here Without You" on the radio. It's grown on me, but I don't really like it. Honestly, I think this band is too sappy. "Here Without You" is exactly that, so it's fitting that it gets the most airplay. And before anyone sends me angry emails claiming that they used to go hard, consider the fact that they're clearly not presenting themselves that way anymore. That's not my cup of tea.

Final Verdict

This band is a bit too sappy. There's a thin line between post-grunge and sounding like a downtuned little bitch. This band post-2007 seems like they crossed it. I'll go listen to Katatonia if I want to hear someone cry. At least they're sincere in their presentation. 

Next week's band - 3 Inches of Blood!

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