Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Quickie: 3 Years Hollow - Chemical Ride Music Video Confusion

Note: This isn't the 3 Years Hollow review, I just realized that I was taking way too much time breaking down the music video. Instead of deleting all of this, I decided to make a new post.

© Imagen Records

This music video was the most WTF shit I've seen in a while. Not in a surreal, "What's going on?" kind of way. But more in a "Why would they do this, who let them do this?" kind of way.

First off this video is from 2011, yet it has a Davenport location tag. YouTube didn't allow location tags until 2017. These bros are so proud of their Davenport heritage that they went back and put that tag on a video that was already SIX YEARS OLD.  

And I'm all for repping your hometown, but Davenport, Iowa? Do you know what comes up when I Google Search "Davenport Celebrities?" Celebrity Style Wigs and Accessories of Davenport. No one is from Davenport.

Just to really hammer the point home, I type in 'Des Moines Celebrities' and I get Brandon Routh, Corey Taylor, and a couple gymnasts. At least something comes up. So right off the bat the bar has been set very low with this shit. And somehow it drops.

You ever wonder why bands always have random actors be the protagonists in their music videos? I always did until I watched this shit. I wouldn't want my face associated with the narrative of this wonky music video.

So in the video the lead singer is banging this chick. And then she brings him a pregnancy test (it's clearly positive) and they're all happy and embracing. (This lasts for at least five seconds, it's kind of drawn out.) Then we see more happy footage. The dude buys her jewelry. They make out in the snow. They roll around in bed and shit like that. All of this is intercut with the woman driving in the car crying her eyes out. And then the lady shoots herself. Like out of nowhere we see a gun, a few more seconds of happy footage, next second gunshot, lady is dead. And the video ends with the lead singer visiting her grave with a little girl (which I'm pretty sure is supposed to be their baby.)  

 What the fuck did I miss?

So I rewatched. Apparently they get into a fight over some papers. I don't know what the fuck was on them, but they pissed her off enough to make her run off. And then she T-Boned another car? But the way it's shot her head flies back and there's a sound effect of a gun chamber emptying. Which I guess makes more sense than her just randomly shooting herself.

I believe the big issue here was the directing. The crash and the argument are really quick cuts. But then we have a two second shot of my man eating on the bed.

 I honestly laughed out loud at this...

This video was really confusing. If I hadn't watched again with keen eyes I wouldn't have know what the fuck was going on. And to be fair, it wasn't the bands fault. I'd blame the George Lucas of the video - Davo Paul.

Mononymous so you can't find his ass...

Honestly, this dude dropped the ball on this video. 

But anyway stay tuned for the full review on Sunday.

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