Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Same Old Places Except They're Far More Racist

I've been resisting the urge to say that for at least 3 weeks because I knew the reference was sooo obscure. But here we are in the new year and I've said it. So hopefully you have a mustache.

Or at least a stubble or a five o'clock shadow.

Anyways, it's 5:57. I've been up since 3 fucking 30. I'm eating an apple on my front porch. I'm leaning over in my chair like a fucking caveman. It sounds like my neighbors are watching I Spit on Your Grave or some shit ( There's definitely a chainsaw and a lot of screaming involved.) I think they have their window open so they can probably hear me talking about them but I don't really give a fuck anymore.

You know, I'm just out here doing the same ol', same ol'. Journaling and getting ready to write a to-do list. Preparing to meditate. Shit like that. (Actually, there's no more shit after that, so I don't know why I just said "shit like that" but whatever.) 

Anyways it's a bit later than usual, so I'm going to go ahead and end this right here.

Peace the fuck out.

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