Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2017: Hard Days and Old Ways

I woke up at 4:30 feeling under the weather. I got my lunch together, and all. I feel like yesterday was a big failure. I missed my meeting. I missed my wrestling practice. But it was great after I bought an Unearth CD and listened to it while I did my homework.

Today was a hard task in the morning. I had a little tussle getting to the gold in Ms. Schiffer's (My first period Spanish II class) but from there my confidence peaked. The rest of the day was amazing. I spoke to a helluva lot of people I probably normally wouldn't have. I told a lot of jokes. I felt like Mr. Ditkovitch's (We're definitely rolling with that name) class could have went better because I was acting like a show and tell for the girls.

Ms. Malcom's class was great. I said fuck it after you know who said some shit I took unwell. I went to the bathroom and let it out and came back rocking it. I read aloud and got complimented. It was all good. 

After school, I went to the TSA meeting Ditkovitch has been begging me to come to and chilled. I caught the bus home and laughed my ass off at the hilariously vulgar driver. I'm finishing my homework as I write this at 6:54.

Today was successful, and I had great conversations, and I practiced much confidence. I would love to do it again, sometimes. Because right now I love my life.

Image © Motivation.org

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