Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Good Day Always Ends In Unearned Pay

Good morning.

All in all, yesterday was a good ass mother fucking day. I quit coffee cold turkey and didn't feel bad. I went up to the library and worked on the blog. 

And at the end of the day, I got fucking paid. Yesterday was a good ass day.

This morning I got an earache from laying on the floor. It's all right though, shit like that happens. It'll blow over. This morning I got a sink full of dishes to take care of. You know that's no big fucking deal. Last night my dad ordered a blender, and this morning he wants to fucking cancel it. Amazon's saying no. Once again we'll fucking handle it.

Yep, that's me...

© Key Word Hut

Yep. Get the shoes.

(Lolwut? Google's speech-to-text just got me completely wrong. That's not what I said but it sounds way funnier so I'm leaving it. Sounds like I'm preparing to go stomp the shit out of a rival blogger. "I'll be damned if he gets more pages views than me! Not if I've got anything to say about it! It's Hipster Stomping Day!")

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