Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Episode III Review

Before I say anything else. This shot was genuinely one of the most badass things I've seen in any movie or TV show all year.  

I'm not a big fan of all the retconning this series is doing, but if just for that shot of Vader and him saying "Now, it's your turn to suffer.", it's worth it. That was some badass shit. Everything pertaining to Vader in this show so far has been good. I like that during the mirage scene in the desert, Obi-Wan hallucinates Anakin as he looked when he stormed the Jedi Temple with the 501st. He isn't a seven-foot cyborg. He's a grimacing sociopath and child-killer in Jedi robes. Which makes Obi-Wan's horrified reaction all the more scarier.  

But on to the review.

This episode was decent. The first half sort of felt like filler. Also, to be a Jedi, Obi-Wan isn't very stealthy or good at hiding. Why would you be walking around the desert in obvious jedi robes, when the entire Empire is looking for you. At least shave and wear a vest or something.

See? He looks like a completely different guy without the beard.

There's no way in hell that Star-Nosed Mole (yes, that's a real animal) didn't immediately recognize them and wasn't just playing along. Even the Stormtrooper who was interrogating Kenobi seemed two seconds away from asking him how dumb he thought they were. 

Nothing else really happened in this episode. The bootlicking Mole gets taken hostage by Kenobi. A stormtrooper attempts to take Leia hostage (As if Leia is going to die. Wow, such tension.) and he wouldn't fucking miss the shit anyway. )The Inquisitors bicker like a bunch of stepchildren. And oh my god, the Inquistors. 

I did my research between these reviews, and apparently both the Grand Inquisitor and the Sombrero Inquistor show up later down the line in Rebels. Guess who doesn't? That's right. No one's favorite character, the Third Sister.

This character is annoying as hell to watch and I can't wait till Vader chokes her or she gets cut down.  Say what you will about the actress (except racist stuff, cause she'll complain to TMZ about you) but she does a damn good job of making you not like her.

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