Thursday, June 25, 2020

Why I Don't Bash Trump

Before we start this off, I'm not a Trump supporter. I've just seen a massive influx of memes painting Trump supporters as evil.

Confusing specimen? Yes.  Stupid? Only sometimes. 
Evil? Far from it.

And boy, I'm starting to realize that there's folks that HATE him. I know folks that hate him so much, he could pay for their heart surgery and they'd try to have another heart attack. And I wish I was joking. That kind of hatred is unhealthy. These kinds of folks want to know why I'm 'soft on Trump.' Here is my response.

For one, I don't really bash anyone, unless it's for laughs or I feel like that person is evil. I don't feel like Trump is evil. I think he may be incompetent or at least pretending to be incompetent.

Come on, no one acts like this.
Could you even imagine doing this?

One big reason I don't bash Trump? There are enough people bashing Trump. If words could kill, half the country would be going to jail for assassinating the President. You turn on the radio, someone is talking shit about Trump. You turn on the TV, someone is bashing Trump. There's folks bashing Trump in magazines, movies, barbershops, and grocery stores. We have enough people on the "Fuck Trump" train. It's almost a cliche to hate Trump at this point. And I don't jump on bandwagons.

Also, I'm not doing Trevor Noah's job for free! I'm not a slave.

I don't like unnecessary talk about politics. I participate in activism. And when I do, I'm usually busy all day. I don't want to go home after that and keep talking about politics. I'm doing my part to change the country. Bashing the President is not part of that job. And contrary to what Trevor Noah and Bill O'Reilly would have you believe; it doesn't change anything.

Pictured: Bill O'Reilly finding out he has been elected the new President after his hit-piece on Obama got his whole cabinet arrested.

Also, the easiest way to start a disagreement is to bring up politics or religion. I've already been in way too many arguments in my life and I'm not looking to start more. I'm a 'get it off your chest and then get out of the way' kind of guy.

Lastly and most importantly, I don't have the time. I don't know Trump. Trump doesn't know me. I'm a twenty-year-old who's trying to get rich. I don't have the time to be sitting around talking shit about a guy who not only doesn't even know me but probably wouldn't care if he did.  At the end of the day, fuck Trump. 

Bill O'Reilly Picture © 2016 CBS News
The Daily Show © 2019 Comedy Central
Trump Rally © 2020 The New York Times Company
Trump Shoving GIF © 2017 NATO 

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