Saturday, June 27, 2020

Hey! Where's the Album Review?!?

Alright, alright. Hold on to your butts.

This week's album review is going to be delayed. In fact for the foreseeable future I may roll them out on a different day. 

You see not even ten minutes after I wrapped up Thursday's post on Donald Trump I got a text from my boss saying "Hey bro, are you coming to work today?" 

"You'd be a lot less fired if you did."

I had been scheduled to work for the next four days but despite the fact that I've received what's fundamentally the same email tons of times with no problem, Gmail decided to flag my work schedule as spam. Fuck my job, eh?

A.I. ain't taking over shit.

So now, I'm working til Sunday afternoon. The review will be out on Monday at the latest. I'm not happy about it either chief but the house I'm crashing in has no internet.

Dazed and Confused Distributed by Gramercy Pictures
Robot Falling Picture © 2015 CBS Interactive
Technical Difficulties Picture © 2012 MrSenthil254 on YouTube

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