Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019: How It Feels to Be the Man of Steel

Of late this place has been dead as the Walking Dead's viewership. And you know why? I succumbed to the pressure that comes with all long-term content creation. I started having less time to post. Then I started worrying that whatever I posted would be shitty and no one would read it. And that lead to me making a grand total of three posts last month. This was supposed to be a daily thing and I worried myself into complacence. Because I was worried the eight readers I used to get would hate my posts and not want to ever read again. 

Well, the only thing people hate is inconsistency. Like how when sometimes you go to Taco Bell the food is good and you have a nice time but sometimes the food is bland and you immediately get diarrhea. 

People want to know what they can expect.

"So are we leaving off the 'six painful hours 
on the toilet later' this time or no?"

Also I just remembered that this is my blog in the first place. If I want to run it into the ground with shitposts I can.

So without further adieau, here's my journal entry from this morning -

I've just finished my incantations. And I feel like I have the power of God and my unlocked mind flowing throughout my body. I can use this vessel to the fullest of it's capacity today. I feel all of the strength I have been given upon this Earth, right now.

I know that even if I stumble or stutter in my words, I can continue to move forward with 100% conviction. 

And I will destroy everything that stands in my way.

How it feels when you do those incantantations just right.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019: Hypothetical Drinking and Low-Pitched Shrieking

Hey, y'all.

I'm sitting out here listening to Brandy.

© Epic Records

I kinda wish I had some Brandy to loosen my nerves.  But that sure as hell ain't happening no time soon. Or maybe it will. We'll see. I may just be singing 'You're a fine girl!' if I see a bottle. Right as I kiss the rim.

"What a fine wife you would be!" 

But enough about my hypothetical future alcoholism.

I've never talked about this but I always spit over my shoulder when I'm sitting up here. And sometimes I just barely miss my clothes. Well, this morning I finally spit right onto my fucking jacket. And it wasn't a couple spittles, I got the whole fucking loogie on my shoulder.  I couldn't do anything but laugh and say 'Well, it's about fucking time this happened. You dance in traffic, you'll eventually get grazed.'

So that was a fucking highlight this morning.

I wrote a song too. I thought it was going to be about how I feel like I should be living it up because I could die any day. But it really turned into the "Ballad of Fuck You, Dad".

Reading back over it felt a bit like this.
© Dreamworks

Speaking of ballads, YouTube just auto-played Holy Diver. Good! I feel like this is the perfect song for the credits of any movie no matter the genre or the rating. I guarantee we'd have been less torn up about Leo dying in Titanic if we had Dio to headbang to after the screen went black.

"What the fuck? Did Luke just - Mmhm! Yeah, yeah!"

Honestly, Dio is the whole reason I have the beautiful singing voice I have.

When I picked up Holy Diver and heard him tearing up those notes on 'Caught in the Middle," I decided that I had to learn how to carry a tune, too. But after a while I started focusing on death growling instead. I have no clue which is easier to learn. But I'm definitely better at the latter...

From my debut LP

© Joseph Smith

So I have to thank Lord Dio for that.

And Dio looks down from the throne of Heaven to bless me for my devotion.
© Red Hour

I feel like I can go on 50 different tangents and not get anywhere so I'm going to end this shit right here.

Peace out and rock on.