Saturday, September 14, 2019

[Legacy Journal] February 4, 2018: Good Times and Obvious Lines


I'm getting ready to meditate as usual, and I feel rejuvenated. My jacket stinks, but that's okay. Today will be ...


 Obviously channeling my inner Captain Obvious...
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I think I've got the pattern down [to having a good day.] And it's that there isn't a set pattern. So fuck adherence to laws. I will upturn the paths.

And this jacket fucking stinks...

 © Keep Calm O-Matic

I'm in Mr. Ditkovichs' class chilling before first period. I just sent off the Agenda for Wednesday's meeting. I felt anxious before. But, I feel the confidence, and the power flowing back into me. I'm going to knock this fucking week out of the park. It's almost inevitable.


 ©  Nickelodeon Studios

Of course I had a great day. The tall order is having a great one tomorrow...

To Sum Things Up...


© Gray Television, Inc.

Yeah, I know it's been a while. 

Pull up a seat, I've got some stories for you.

So last I left I was still making sandwiches. Fuck all that. I found out I was spending more money  than I was making doing that gig, so I fucked off. (And I mean fucked off.) After I left that place I did a month at the zoo. That was a good time. I met cool people, got into stupid arguments, and listened to tons of dope ass music. Cam Newton visited once and ribbed me about dancing to Rick Springfield. That was a good day.

My perspectives are different. Being in an position of authority has somehow resulted in me having even less respect for authority. I empathize with customer service and fast food workers. I'm not nearly as nervous around girls as I was before. Which tends to happen, when you realize the cutest girls can be ... annoying.

"Why yes I am sexy, but the price is still three dollars, babe."
© Getty Images

I've drank, I've fought, I've cried, I've sang with strangers and friends alike. My mentor would be proud.

He's smiling down at me from heaven...
© Pictorial Press

So many changes, yet I'm still the same person. At least fundamentally. Strange ain't it?

Want to hear some more about it? I'll be back.
