Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Uncovering These Illusions Is Always The Solution

Welcome back.  

I'm sitting here in my kitchen. I've been up for exactly 16 minutes. And boy it sure doesn't feel like it. I just got done with the things that I do every single morning. Folding up my sheets and my pillows brushing my teeth. Using the bathroom. And now here I am recording this.

The passion is real...

I've still got my job on my mind. You see, riding home yesterday I thought about the fuckshit that happened at work. And I thought about the cosmic scale of things. I thought about my goals and aspirations in life. I thought about the end and the beginning. 

I thought about the vastness of the universe 
and my minute role in it...

And I asked myself, "Where does my job fit in here?" And after a few seconds of contemplative silence I realized that it didn't. So there's no reason to be stressed out about fucking up. Because on the scale of things I personally give a damn about, my current job isn't even on it. And I know this may sound like the same conclusion an angsty teen would come up with but it's the fucking truth. Never in my life have I aspired to work in fast food. I don't knock anyone who does but that's just simply not my cup of tea. It never has been and never will be my goal in life. 

Don't get me wrong. There's never a dull day and I've definitely gained life experience. But this ain't the end. It's the first ladder on the rung.

As long as I go in there and give it my all every day. As long as I treat those customers like my best friends. As long as I don't allow any of them to give any shit to my coworkers or any shit to each other, I'm staying true to myself and that's all that matters.

So my conclusion is fuck it. I don't give a flying fuck if they fire me. I’ve got what I need to move on. 

Some things just ain't worth worrying our pretty little heads over.

In conclusion, keep your pretty little heads up, don't take any shit from anyone, and have a great day.

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