Sunday, January 20, 2019

Friday, February 2, 2018: I Talk Up My Driving Skills While Profanity Makes Google Catch Feels

I'm sitting in the car listening to "Sweet Emotion." Initially I was anxious about the Hot Chocolate Run today. But I saw my driving skills and them motherfuckers is lit. So hey, even if this Hot Chocolate Run goes to shit today at least I can drive like the Dukes of fucking Hazzard. And I got that going for me which is fucking nice.

Yep, looks like something I could pull off. 

I have to meet with Miss Malcolm this morning and deal with some shit with the organization. I have to tell you, that lady intimidates me. Or maybe she just thinks I'm a fucking retard. Either way she's pretty hard to talk to you know? But motherfucker I got to handle it.

© Universal Music Group

I really hate that Google's speech-to-text keeps censoring me. What do they think I'm a two-year-old?

Context: I forgot to take a screenshot before I edited it, but all of the 'fuck's were spelled 'f**k'. Google's speech to text apparently thinks you want to text like you're writing an Adult Swim bump.

This is apparently where Google got the inspiration for that feature...

© Marvel Entertainment

But yeah. That's the fucking why to this will bitch. Even though I didn't say why I'm doing any of this shit and that statement makes absolutely no sense.

Note: I have no clue why I decided to end this entry like this, but let's roll with it.

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