Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018: I Skip Ahead for a Preview, An Angry One Too

It's 6:17 a.m. It's raining or sprinkling to be more literal. I just got done ranting. I'm getting ready to fucking meditate. (We've got five fucks per minute this time!) 

Every second we stray closer to a broken Fuck-o-meter.

What the fuck was I ranting about? The bullshit life I lead. I get why Johnson constantly told me I was full of shit. 

I am. 

How'd I come to this conclusion? 

This morning I burnt my tongue drinking hot coffee. Why was I drinking coffee? Because I passed out in AP Stats yesterday and I can't have that shit happening again. I've got to pass, so I can graduate in May and walk across that stage in a suit and fucking tie like Justin Timberlake. 

It's going to look exactly like this, except eight inches smaller...

Yeah, basically I'm just there to get a fucking diploma and get the fuck out.

Warning: Rant Incoming

I try to be social. I try to look like I give a fuck about any of those God damn nuggets. But I don't. The more I try, the more I realize that I just don't give a shit. If that roof caves in on every single one of those people I wouldn't give a damn. Sure I got one dude I'd try to save but fuck the rest of them. 

I believe it was that burning of the tongue this morning that made me realize how stupid it is that I'm  doing some shit I don't want to do, to do some shit I don't want to do, to do some more shit I don't want to do, to lead a life that I don't want to fucking live. If this is living, O Death come through the fucking door with your double barrel shotgun and shoot me right fucking now.

This is seriously the closest thing I could find...
Grab the crayons...

So here I am with my tablet in my hand recording my journal for the day. It's every fucking day bro. Honestly, if I could tell you how I felt... 

I don't fucking know what the fuck I got to say right here. 

I feel angry. I feel confused. I just want to go fucking meditate. I want to go fuck a couple girls and throw back a couple beers but I got to go to school. I don't have to go to school but I choose to go to school so I can at least make the few people I can make smile keep smiling. Even though after I graduate and say "Fuck college." they're going to start frowning like everyone else. 

This journal entry is starting to sound more like my podcast. Hell, maybe I need to go ahead and record an episode. But, I don't want my podcast to turn into me bitching about my day and bitching about my life because who the fuck wants to hear that shit? Who the fuck wants to turn in to hear Joe Rogan crying about his life? No one! No fucking body! When I do my podcast I want to be at my highest just like him. 


Broken Meter picture © Freepik Company S.L

Sharp Dressed Man picture © RCA Records

Grim Reaper picture © TattooLifeStlye

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