Friday, December 21, 2018

Thursday, December 20, 2018: Badass Feats and Ending Streaks

Hey, what's up?

I can't believe it's almost the end of December. We're at the end of 2018. You know I'll readily admit this was the greatest year of my life. So much change and so much growth. We knocked this fucking year out of the park.

Yesterday I worked fucking hard and it felt amazing. I raked and shoveled those leaves like a motherfucker. I also rammed into the curb and bust out my dad's tire. I had to change it myself cause he went into shock after the whole incident. But that's another story for another time.

Needless to say, I'm a badass motherfucker and I fucking felt like it yesterday.

My body was hurting so fucking bad when I got done though. My back my feet and my arms were all aching when I got home. I couldn't wait to go to sleep. Because I slept all that fucking pain off and I feel amazing right now. It's like I didn't even do anything yesterday I feel so good.

That's the power of a fast metabolism.

The power of a strange brain is that I have Def Leppard's "Gods of War" stuck on replay in my fucking head. Here, have a listen, too...

Anyway, on today's episode of mindfulness meditation, I'll be focusing on the outer seeing channel.
I'll be taking note of everything I see and describing the Colours and the Shapes.

You know I gotta fill the entry up with unnecessary pictures
make this reference...

Let's see how that goes. Pun intended.


I'll see myself out...

Also, I ended my No-Fap streak today. It's been five days. So I don't have that going for me anymore, which is bad...

The Colour and The Shape album cover © Capitol Records 

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