Saturday, May 6, 2023

Rebuilding Yourself and Maintaining Good Health


The Six Million Dollar Man is an old TV show that aired in the '70s. The show is about a pilot named Steve Austin (not that one), who crashes a test flight into the ground and undergoes an emergency procedure to become a cyborg crime fighter.  I presume his crimefighting activities consist of running around stopping bank robberies and delivering anti-drug PSAs to kids. I honestly don't know. 

As you can probably tell I've never actually watched the show in my life. I don't care about the show. I fucking love the intro and the entire concept. Ever since I first saw it, I fell in love with the notion of a guy getting into an accident and being rebuilt "stronger, better, and faster" with science.  Honestly, every time I feel kind of down, or I've been on a bad streak of luck, I think of this intro. And it gets me going.

I have the tools to rebuild myself. Hell, we all have the tools to rebuild ourselves. It's just about finding the right ones and getting good at using those tools in the right way. Just like those scientists went into Steve's brain, rewired it, and fixed him up, we can look into our minds and do some rewiring and fixing.

We're all Six Million Dollar People (or 42 Million Dollar People, adjusted for inflation)...

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