Sunday, April 9, 2023

The UFC 287 Main Event Was Somewhat Surprising

Although I wasn't rooting for Izzy myself, his winning by second-round knockout, was definitely in the realm of bizarre possibilities. He rocked Periera in the first fight, and he has more experience under his belt. Now, when Adesanya made it to the second round I questioned myself how in the hell he'd be able to stop Pereira without dragging the fight all the way out and being perfect for 25 minutes,. And I immediately thought that whoever faints the most wins. But Pereira was also a kickboxer, he knows that shit, as well.

Watching Pereira fight anyone is scary. It's just a matter of time before he finishes it. But I think we all know that Izzy has won and lost tons of championships. It doesn't matter that Pereira knocked him out twice, Israel has the edge in experience when it comes to MMA. And honestly, I wasn't really sure what to expect after the first round. Izzy was winning the first fight for 23 minutes. And then he lost. Trying to get the decision against someone like Alex isn't a safe path to victory. 

But seemingly out of nowhere, Izzy backs up from their exchange in the middle of the cage all the way to the fence. Pereira obviously follows him and pressures him and starts teeing off. But unlike the first fight, he isn't really tagging Izzy. And then Izzy peeks out and hits Alex so hard that he stumbles back. And then as Alex is raising back up from getting rocked, Izzy hits him again and Alex falls onto the canvas. Izzy mounts him to go for the hammer fist, but it is clear that Pereira is already completely out.

I was halfway expecting Israel to drag the shit out to a decision by avoiding Pereira's left hand. But nah, this man stepped into the fire and went back to the same position that he lost the first fight in.

And instead of losing again, he fucking knocked out Pereira this time. 

This shit is so smooth, it feels scripted.

On further reflection, this was probably one of my favorite moments of watching MMA. I don't think I ever screamed as loud as I did when Izzy knocked out Pereira. I remember being on the edge of my seat the whole time during their first fight, waiting for a whole five rounds for Izzy to take that left hand and fall down. So this time I had that same tension. 

But Izzy pulled out the one damn thing I knew he could. Experience. Why in the flying fuck would someone repeatedly and intentionally back themselves up against the cage? And when Pereira got hit the first time, it's like time slowed down. And then Izzy hit him again and mounted him and I was about to fall off the couch. And I couldn't help but yell. I think I yelled for like a whole two or three minutes.

I was rooting so hard for Usman to get his belt back and he just couldn't do it. So seeing Pereira out cold on the fucking canvas was somewhat cathartic. I like Pereira. I think we all do. You can't not like him. He's a freak of nature with a death touch and he was a massive talent in his sport. Everyone loves those guys. Then he comes over to MMA and beats the reigning champion. Alex is a fucking badass. 

But he damn near lost the fight and I will maintain that from the second round onward Izzy fought like a jackass. That said I did get a vibe of "This guy is a fucking amateur and I wasn't taking him seriously last time" from Izzy. 

And Alex was motherfucking out. It looked really bad. There are just so many things to take away from that still of him unconscious on the canvas. One, that motherfucker is freakishly large, and two, he's old. He stayed out for a good ten to fifteen seconds. I don't like seeing that shit. He shouldn't be fighting again until at least November or December.


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