Thursday, January 19, 2023

Viewpoint Shunning for That PC Money

 Do you want to know something funny?

I can't continue to run this place the way I do. But that doesn't mean I can't post my journal entries somewhere else. Anonymity is a very, very precious thing. I didn't value it enough in the past. So sometime in the future, this blog will be migrated somewhere else. And of course, I'm not going to explicitly disclose that I've migrated anything. There'll be a link to "some other dude's awesome blog" in the sidebar and this place will go dead.

You see, my name (and my online aliases) are attached to a helluva lot of nonsense online. I've been wilding out online since I was like fifteen. And you would think folks wouldn't give a shit, but no, they try to hold you accountable for your teenage actions. As if you're the same person...

This is why I don't understand cancel culture. If someone did some stupid shit years and years in the past, the odds are they know it was wrong. To say they don't is to imply they didn't grow as a person and can't learn from their mistakes (which is calling them stupid and immature by extension).

But the rules and laws of society are different from the rules and laws of corporate America. People do grow and change. Corporate America doesn't give a shit about people. Everything and everyone is an asset to a corporation. (And this is how it should be.) The only way you're judged by a business is whether or not you can make them money, and whether or not you can lose them money. And unfortunately in this day and age, if you said the n-word as a toddler and someone filmed it, being associated with you can lose your company money. And that makes you a liability and not an asset.

I said all that to say this. I don't endorse half of the shit I said in the past. Because like most people, I'm growing and changing constantly. But if I am to begin a professional relationship with anyone I must acknowledge my past comments are liabilities and not assets.

In other words, the PC police have finally got me. And they're threatening me with 50 years in Microaggression Bay if I don't plead guilty.

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