Tuesday, February 9, 2021

I'm Going To Private Those Old Posts

      When I first started this blog, it was a way for me to archive the daily journal entries that I'd write. (Because they were hilarious.) Anyone that has read this blog within the past two years, or looked at the sidebar knows that purpose did not last for long. But when I was writing those old posts I was a dogmatic, ritualistic kid who was obsessed with processes (You'll see that if you read even one of those old posts.)  And I wound up making posting on this blog a daily commitment. 

And I was posting about nothing important. Nothing that was important to anyone but me. And in the place I am now, some of that shit is a bit personal and embarrassing. I write about music, and sometimes politics. You don't need to be able to click through the sidebar and see an eighteen-year old me ranting about how much he hates school. And quite frankly, I don't want that stuff on the internet, even if some weirdo wants to read it. 

     I'm going to be taking down the more embarrassing and awkward posts. This place didn't take off until I started reviewing music anyway, so if you're the weirdo who was reading those posts at 2 AM, I'm sorry, bro, but no more of that shit. 


Anyways. Ciao.




- Joe

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