Sunday, December 1, 2019

Alphabetically Reviewing My Music Collection Week 8: Aegaeon

Hey, hey, hey!

Welcome to the eighth week of the alphabetical review of the most diverse musical collection this side of the Warner Bros. Records Archive!

Sit down. We've been expecting you.

This week we're tackling one of my favorite progressive death metal bands - Aegaeon!

 And if you're getting upset about a lack of variety blame the Romans because they made the fucking alphabet.

What do you think of when you think of brutal guttural vocals? Cannibal Corpse? Whitechapel? Cattle Decap?

That time you had five Doritos Locos Tacos in one sitting?

Well, fuck all of that. You should think of Aegaeon. And I'm going to show you why. (Also this is going to be a straight review of their Being EP. No other bands or songs from separate albums.)


This is the intro to the album. You shouldn't expect much. There's crackling on the left channel. The whole thing has a hopeful, spacey, vibe to it. Fitting given that Aegaeon is actually the name of one of Saturn's Moons. This is just an intro track so I'm not going to waste too much time on it.


Boy, this album starts off fucking strong. This sounds like the score to an epic space battle. And I hate to be that guy who talks about genres but this track is a perfect mix of death metal, prog, and even doom. The guitar riff that underscores the majority of the track contrasts the heavier chugging and the blast beats. The bass isn't really prominent but it's definitely there.  I also love how after every verse that riff comes back. It gives the song a feeling of hope and dread. And then the riff progresses into a solo and the track ends. 

And the vocals. Now, do you see what I was talking about? This motherfucker has the deepest gutturals I've heard to date. And he's still coherent (most of the time) to boot. He sounds like a mountain troll that smokes a pack a day. 

Come on, you know you can picture this guy singing this.


This song has been on my go-to Death Metal playlist since High School. I never understood how the fuck the vocalist could sound so brutal, but the guitars could sound the way they did. The breakdown that kicks off with the heavy ass bass and the drums and ends in a riff that wouldn't sound out of place in a Motley Crue song. There's still chugging and this track is undoubtedly brutal. But the way the guitar tone contrasts it is encapsulating. And don't get me started on whatever the hell the bassist starts doing towards the end.

It also helps that all throughout guy is yelling "I AM YOUR KING! I AM THE HUMAN BEING!" 

The Memory

That calm ass intro was misleading, wasn't it. And once again the riffing has a completely different tone than the rest of the instruments. And once again the breakdown knocks it the fuck out of the park. (There's a nice little effect in there for headphone users too.) The guitarist is making his axe cry. All the while the bass and skins sound like they're being beat harder than Shaq in a free-throw contest. 

This one had a somber feel to it. The lyrics are about the end of a great battle and how the victor will proclaim victory in the end. Not exactly somber stuff. 


This is the most progressive track so far. It also marks a lyrical departure from fighting and conquest to talk about self-reflection and the absence of self.


This song has some of the best riffs on the album. The vocalist isn't screaming as hard as usual. Honestly, the lyrics really seem to be the primary focus here (Yes, I realize the hilarity of saying that about a death metal song.)  This song has some pretty strong hopeful vibes.


The last track is pretty brutal. It almost sounds identical to Human until midway the very end. This EP ends on a peaceful and note. The last lyrics are "I choose life" underscored by a peaceful synth solo that continues until the end of the track. The lyrics are about staring into the face of evil and hatred and finally coming to terms with doing the right thing. And then being filled with unexpected euphoria.

I'd expect these kinds of lyrics from Stryper, not a progressive death metal band that was screaming about conquering the galaxy three songs ago.  I guess the message of Being was to be a good person in the end. Who'd of thunk? 

Final Verdict / What Do I Think?

As I wrapped up the last song, YouTube autoplayed this song called 'Cerebral Hybridization' by Fallujah. (If you liked any of these songs, I'd definitely check it out.) I'd always heard the name mentioned in circles, but I've never listened to them. Well, Aegaeon sound exactly like Fallujah. The biggest difference is that Fallujah has very long songs. And before you jump to any conclusions, I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I just found two fucking bands that I'm definitely going to be listening to more of. I've never heard anything like either of these bands. And Jesus, Christ, I got to hear more. 

Overall, Aegaeon is probably my favorite band that we've looked at so far. And guess where we found them? Hidden right in plain sight on my phone. 

See you next week when we tackle Christian Metalcore band Affiance! 

All Aegaeon Pictures and videos © 2012 - 2019 Aegaeon

Affiance Picture © 2010 Bullet Tooth Records

Homunculus Loxodontus Picture © 2016 Margriet van Brevoort

Screaming Man Picture © 2019 Adobe

Urdnot Wrex Picture © 2011 BioWare

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