Saturday, February 2, 2019

Thinking of Girls and the Complexities of this World

What the fuck is up?

Today is the second day of the second month. I wish I could also say it was the second hour too, but you can't win them all, you know?

I'm sitting outside in the usual area. Across the street from Burger King. 

My throat is burning because that's how my body responds to whole milk. I've also got to take a shit, despite just having done that at the very most 10 minutes ago. Oh human anatomy how beautiful and strange you are!

But, you know what I've really been thinking about lately? 

© Warner Music Group

I wish I had one of those, myself. Hell, maybe I would if I didn't talk about them like they were cattle! I don't know!

It's just that sometimes solving this million piece puzzle we call life seems like a never-ending disco. And John Travolta just walked through the door so I don't think it's ending anytime soon. 

Whaddya want? He's the only disco icon I can come up with off the top of my head.

© Paramount Pictures

Everyone, it's time to dance. 🕺

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