Saturday, January 12, 2019

I'm Still Here But My Mind's Hella Unclear...

Hey, what's going on?

Not much? Oh, okay. That's nice to hear.

I'm half-awake out here. I'm typing this shit up at a startling speed of 2 words per minute.

Remember when I told you guys that I took drugs to wake up? Well, I ran out this morning and this is the result. Instead of Sonic the Hedgehog,  I feel like Eeyore the Donkey. In fact, if you read the rest of this entry in his voice it will probably be three-hundred percent funnier (And much more representing of how I feel as I write this.)

© Walt Disney

So. It's still cold out here. It's 42° to be exact. Which is ten degrees warmer than both yesterday and the day before, so I've got to applaud the God of the weather for that generosity.

Praise whoever the fuck this guy is for not doing
the shit in this picture...

Now for an abrupt segue.

I'm thinking about girls. Old girls, young girls. Tall girls, short girls. Skinny girls, chubby girls. But not ugly girls.

Fuck that.

Girls make the fucking world go around but they sure do say some dumb shit, sometimes. (At least the ones I know. I can’t speak for anyone else's girls.) But allegedly unless they're a Ph.D. they say weird shit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying women should shut up or we shouldn't listen to them, but none of the dudes I know say as much strange shit as the girls in my life. I'd love to give you an example but at some point, you start to realize some utter fucking nonsense is about to be said so you tune it out. And if you're offended by this actively listen to the females in your life. Especially when they're saying something that concerns you.

Most of it's nonsense, bro.

But enough about women. I'm sure we all struggle with them sometimes.

I got a lot of stuff to handle this morning and I already feel like I'm tripping balls.


So peace the fuck out.

Keep rocking in the free world.

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