Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Nature Boy's Energy is Flowing Within Me

Happy New Year's Eve Eve.

And welcome to another exciting installment of -

Joe's Startlingly Amazing Journal Entries

(Otherwise known as black words on a white screen.)

This morning my incantations reached dangerous levels of energy. I surpassed William Shatner. I surpassed Nicolas Cage. Hell, I even surpassed Jim Carrey levels of energy this morning.

That's right. 

This morning, I reached Ric Flair levels of energy.

Hard to explain how my house didn't explode 
with sheer awesomeness this morning.

© World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc 

So manifestation is dope as fuck. The Law of Attraction seems to be very real. (That or I just set very low and easily achievable goals.) For a skeptic like me to claim that, some real substantial evidence had to be presented.

You want me to believe a hippy walked on water, summoned zombies, and resurrected himself? 
Just prove it, my dude!

© 1996 Tri-Star Pictures

Anyway, this journal entry has been at least 10 minutes in the making. So let me go ahead and end it right here.

Peace the fuck out.

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